Thanks for the help with Catasetum bloom and new Vanda Bloom to share.
Thanks for the help with identifing the Catasetum Sacattum. I have attached a much better picture of it as the buds just opened (previous shot was from last year). Question. I left this Catasetum (as I have all my catasetums) in the yard all winter so it received rain and yet it bloomed again (and it has another spike emerging). Was I just lucky or perhaps our (South Florida) winters are so dry that whatever rain/watering did occur it did not harm the plants?
The Vanda is called Cindy Banks. The very strong fragrance reminds me of bubblegum.
I know nothing of the Catasetums so I can't answer your question, but it sure looks nice. The vanda cindy banks has an interesting shape, not as round, really nice.