the last time I posted in this forum(which was also my first time), I added a few photos of my rescued dumpster Phals where I ripped the bad leaves off and replanted the both the mother and baby plant. Since then I had purchased proper potting mix and repotted them in clear plastic pots with better drainage. The growth within the month has been pretty significant, much more significant then the three months since I got them from the trash room of my apartment building. Here are some updated photos, please let me know what you think and any suggestions are warmly welcomed.
Aug. 19, 2009 Mother plant
Today 9/15/09 Mother plant
Aug. 19, 2009 Daughter plant
Today 9/15/09 Daughter plant w/ new leave finally!!
These Phals are potted in medium size coconut husk mix
that dries up completely in a couple of days, but through the condensation on the inside of the clear pot the bottom part is wet. should I water them when there's no more condensation on the inside of the pot?