Fingers crossed guys...
I went in to find another orchid that might curb my frustration with growing them. I was sadly disappointed.
This one had a clearish pot with good drainage inside another dark pot, so I was able to see bright green roots with pale healthy-looking tips through it. I thought I was in luck.
I wanted her our of moss and into bark chips, and when I pulled her out, things didn't look good.

Mind you, this one looks better than my first two, so I have some hope, but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm particularly worried about the roots that look healthy at the ends, but have bends or breaks further up the root that are darker green to brownish in colour. Will these roots come back, or should I just lop them off above the break in hopes they'll bud out a new shoot?
Should I remove the outermost leaf? It looks like the spike has pushed a hole through it, as has another root, and I'm worried now that moisture / fungus can chill out in there. Should I leave it or take it off?
Any ideas on how to proceed?
(Other than buying my first orchids from a reputable source so I don't get discouraged

P.S. The reason she's water-spotted is we got caught in the rain walking home today and I haven't had a chance to rinse her off. I wonder if this is insecticide residue or something washing off from the commercial grower? Also realized that first root picture makes the root base look much darker than it really is. Thanks in advance for all your help!