Prices and markets are dynamic things that depend on many different factors. If a price is asked and someone is willing to pay it, even if it is considered high by others, then more power to the seller. Prices can also change dramatically over time. I remember when you couldn't touch a Phrag. besseae of any quality for less than several hundred dollars. There is supply and demand (and the "gotta have it" factor) that can drive prices higher for some things.
Last edited by OrchidSue; 09-08-2009 at 06:14 PM..
I paid $50 plus $15 for shipping for my V. Pachara Delight.
I've been wanting to buy a Phrag. kovachii, but I can't bring myself to pay $100 for a seedling that I have a good chance of killing.
Single plant, $40 for my avatar, Paph glaucophyllum x P. phillipinense w/4 growths in bloom, in 4" pot 5 years ago.It now fills an 8" pot and is blooming for the third time in a little over a year. The most spent at one time was $150 total for 14 species plants when Oakhill visited our O.S. meeting last month. If my wife sees this posting, I'm a dead man. Brad
Last edited by b amateur; 09-08-2009 at 01:57 PM..
In my opinion Brad, and most times its not worth much $150 shows great restraint (especially for 14 species). I'da probably bought 30... good prices. I'll wait till others chime in with higher #s to throw out my total after all I'm trying to make myself feel better, not worse!!
Thanks Brenda, but it wasn't restriant. I approached it like going to a casino; took $150,left the cheque book and plastic home,and like a casino, I blew the whole wad.Thank god I had gas in the car to get me home. Brad
Well I don't know if this will count ,but I was cleaning the roof of my greenhouse off early one morning when a wind storm came out of nowhere and blew me off the ladder . I fell pretty darn hard so my orchids cost me a lot of pain ,a trip to hospital ,and some very expensive medical treatment!