Ok, trying to get a grasp on my first time watering and rain while it's cool out. Our temps have ranged anywhere from 42/night to 85/day. Average tho is 50's night/70's day. Bringing all of the orchids below in except for cymb if it may go below low 50's then back out during the day.
I'm watering in the morning if they need it so they can dry a bit before night. My question is we are getting a bit of rain here so many times they can go into night being truly wet or get truly wet during the night. Should I just bring them in if they are wet or going to get wet and below 55?
Thanks so much
Brassolaeliocattleya Ann Cleo Stars and Stripes
Brassocattleya Little Marmaid
Onc. Ampliatum
Oncidium Sharry Baby
Wils. Pacific Panache “Keenan”
NOID phalaenopsis type dendrobium
Cymbidium Little Black Sambo - has already been coming in if it rains because it is definately getting too mooisture - it does stay out if it isn't because I hear it likes it to 47