Given orchids in really bad shape -need advice
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Given orchids in really bad shape -need advice
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Old 08-29-2009, 07:33 PM
murphy48 murphy48 is offline

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Given orchids in really bad shape -need advice Female
Default Given orchids in really bad shape -need advice

I went to a plant sale at someones house to get Cymbidiums. They had some great NOID Cymbidiums so I picked some up. The guy then gave me a bunch of unknown orchids that look really dry and like they had too much sun. Does anyone have any idea what these are and how I can help them?

The first one I think is some type of Onc alliance. This poor thing was potted in soil. It has a mess of roots and as you can see some really really dry and dead PB's.

The next one I have no clue. Its so shriveled up. It does have a lot of new roots growing. Any ideas on what it is and how I should revive it?

He then gave me a bunch of keikies from "poor man's orchids" I have no clue what those are. You can see them in the third picture. Should I just pot them up?

I was also given a Phal with tiny stunted leaves but it has 4 new roots growing! Also a Miltoniopsis that although really light green and dry has some new growths.

Help me save these orchids!
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Given orchids in really bad shape -need advice-onc-jpg   Given orchids in really bad shape -need advice-unknown-jpg   Given orchids in really bad shape -need advice-keikis-jpg  
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Old 08-29-2009, 07:47 PM
nutgirl nutgirl is offline
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Ya know, those don't look too awful. If they have viable roots, you have something to work with.

The second one may be some kind of cattleya?

I don't know what poor mans orchids are, but are the keikis dends? Someone is sure to know.

What fun!!

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Old 08-29-2009, 08:09 PM
King_of_orchid_growing:)'s Avatar
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Pic 1: Onc intergeneric.

Pic 2: Cattleya - it's in sheath btw, you'll see flowers soon.

Pic 3: NOID reed stem Epidendrums - real easy to grow.
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Old 08-29-2009, 08:31 PM
murphy48 murphy48 is offline

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Given orchids in really bad shape -need advice Female

Thanks King, I had no idea that that was a cattleya or that it was in sheath. How exciting. How long until I might
see flowers?

What size pot should I use for the reed stem Epidendrums? Some of the roots are very very long...

Here are the other ones I was given. The phal, another oncidium intergeneric and what I think is a miltoniopsis.

I think I'm going to have fun
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Old 08-29-2009, 08:36 PM
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The Cattleya might go into full bloom in about 2 months give or take.

All your orchids don't look too bad. But, they're definitely projects.

Try finding small diameter, but tall terra cotta pots. Michael's (arts and crafts store) has a few.

Good luck.
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Old 08-29-2009, 09:15 PM
dounoharm dounoharm is offline
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what a delightful project....the poor mans orchid is a reed stemmed epidendrum of some sort, also known as the crucifix orchid.....they all look worthy of working with...have fun!
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Old 08-29-2009, 09:30 PM
kellyd kellyd is offline
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Given orchids in really bad shape -need advice Female

Hey there!, My first post.... Just a thought, if any of them have poor root systems, I've had some really good luck using KLN rooting concentrate in the recommended mix whenever the plant needs watering. You'll have great roots in no time!
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