Amesiella monticola is not an easy species to grow and they're minatures.
The Polystachya is also a miniature, but is a lot easier to grow, however, the reason why Polystachya is not a popular species is because of how miniscule the flowers are.
Again, I'm not sure these are what you're looking for. You did mentioned you wanted giants.
Try finding Pleurothallis titan. When full grown this gets to be 6 ft tall and does not require high light.
Plths teaguei is a giant as well, with the leaf diameter being 2 ft to 3 ft when fully mature (according to Ivan Portilla of Ecuagenera). Pictures of the flowers to these plants do it no justice, I've seen them in full bloom and they're gorgeous, too bad they're very expensive in full bloom...
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 09-03-2009 at 02:08 PM..