I’ve found very little info on my San Lorenzo… only a couple pictures of the flowers and no pics of leaves or pseudo bulbs… so I don’t know what’s going on with my orchid. The p-bulbs look… shriveled. Other than that, it appears to be fairly healthy and has been flowering for over a month. Is this common for this variety or was my orchid mistreated?
The tag says… Wils. Kendrick Williams “San Lorezo” AM/AOS. I know there’s a typo and should read “San Lorenzo” because I did find a pic of those flowers and they were the same as mine.
So you’re saying some orchids get “wrinkles” as they age? Kinda like humans? I just assumed this was a young orchid as the p-bulbs are only about 2 or 3 inches in length… I’ve had it for a little over a month now.
General Requirements Temperature 55 - 85 Degrees Farenheit Humidity 50% - 80% Light 3000 foot candlesBalanced fertilizer (6N-2P-4K-2Ca-1Mg) @ 100-150ppm of nitrogen . Wils. Kendrick Williams 'The Weed''The Weed' is aptly named for it's growth habit.This plant will fill up a pot in nothing flat.These flowers also have a lovely rose fragrance. The Orchid Works
Found Wilsonaria Kendrick Williams 'The Weed' at theorchidworks.com
Yes, I saw that site. In fact, the Orchid Works is where I found a pic of the flowers so I knew I had what the tag said it was. It does look a bit like “The Weed” Y202, but it’s not, it’s definitely a “San Lorenzo” O117.
BTW, I just read that “The Weed” has a fragrance, so I had to smell my “San Lorenzo.” It does have a slight fragrance… kinda like a daffodil or tulip… not really flowery or sweet… but there's definitely a fragrance.