
Long time, no see *s*
I have had a great sucess wiht my chids lately, espesially some of the ones i repotted into s/h are really happy with me at the moment
But today, i happend to find me a new chid, a Miltonia said the label, but as before, the labels here in Norway are not always correct, so please tell me if this is wrong! And there are no other names on the labels as well...so this one is most likely a noid.
I belive the Miltonias are intermediate, and need to be humid but not sobbing. They like it in medium bright, and not direct sun.
What else do i need to know, to keep this lady happy?
Heres some pics....
Dont you understand why i couldnt leave this beauty....?

Its got a second spike in bud, and a third one just starting to bud now.