I received the two orchids I ordered, a Dtps. Kenneth Schubert 'blue star' and a Phal. Equestris. I'm pretty sure the Phal is exactly what it should be, but the Kenneth Schubert looks like it's probably something else. The longest leaf is ten inches long - and the crown does not look like a phalaenopsis crown. . maybe a dendrobium? The leaves are not rounded like a phal is, they are long and slender - heh. . . like a dendrobium.
I'll try to get a pic of it in a bit to edit to this post. . but if you have a Kenneth Schubert 'blue star' could you please post a pic of the actual leaves?
Heh. . title should be: Don't think I received a Kenneth Schubert
Here are the pics I promised, sorry they are so late - yesterday was a long long day.
This one is for size comparison - this gent is in a 4 inch pot and has a gallon milk jub behind it.