Originally Posted by KathyKayserKonig
Thank you Swamper. I plan on e-mailing tomorrow. Am too upset to do so right now.  Prayers are always appreciated.  Thanks so much!
Hi Kathy,
I'm sad that you had such a bad experience with your orchid purchase. Don't get too discouraged because there are a lot of good vendors out there.
I love to watch orchids grow so I usually buy compots containing about 50-100 tiny seedlings and pot them out into 2.5 inch pots.
I potted out 2 compots on May 9th and I now have many, many seedlings of Epc. Siam Jade and Blc. Dals'Rapture Watercolors; all are doing great. They were tiny-- less the half an inch first set of leaves base-tip; no pseudobulbs. Quite a few of them are now over 3-4 inches base to tip with 2 pseudobulbs plus new growth.
I got the compots on sale-- buy 1 get 1 free for $25 shipping included! This is a very inexpensive way to get orchids and you don't have to flask. The trouble is, who wants 50 plants of the same mericlone !!!
I would be happy to share some of these seedlings with you. They are growing fast; taking up more and more precious growing space.
Danville is only about an hour or so from Macomb and I frequently shop in West Burlington. I would be glad to meet you at the mall and hand you a couple of orchid seedlings. They should be good for adoption in several weeks.
Don't get too discouraged and don't give up on orchids!
I'll say a prayer for you.
links to picture ( I hope)
T-4120 Epc. Siam Jade 'AVO'-compots
T-4452 Blc. Dal's Rapture 'Water Colors'-compot