Hi everyone!
I am having some little problems with my orchid... which are actually more interrogation than problems... It's a Cattleya Netrasiri Beauty x Blc Varut Roongkamol. It was a gift and I really want to grow it healthier and bigger and buy some more orchids too.
First of all, my orchids roots seems to be unevenly placed, since I change her pot, she won't stand still, I had to stick piece of bamboo to her pot to make her stand. (Her roots were getting all out of the soil and she was about to fall out!!!)
So I am wondering how to make her roots grow maybe faster or I don't know... a way to make her hold herself in place.
I also wonder which roots to cut off... maybe I cut too much out last time. I cut almost every white root who seemed ready to collasped against a really light pressure between two fingers.
http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/9916/img0187iz3.jpg (That's an old photo, I will upload a new one fairly soon, yet you can see the white colour which I cut off...)
Then, her leaves. She have about 8 leaves and most of them are of a beautiful healthy green but one of them is kind of green-yellow. This leaf also have a weird unsmooth texture. Should I cut it? If so, how??? There is also a round blackish spot on one leaf, but I think that is because of the light beside it which might have burned it... anyway I unplugged that light! One leaf have about 2 mm blackish line on one end of the leaf, should I cut that off too?
Then, one leaf died and it's branch is still alive (it's been a while) and no leaf is growing back on it... should I cut it out?
Finally, I don't know wether there is an ideal soil for this type of orchid... I have a general orchids' soil bought at some hardware store.
Anyway, it seems to be quite healthy since she flowered twice in 6 months (the first time 1 flower and the last time 2 flowers) and she has new leaves growing. It has a very partial light (meanly mid-afternoon light).