Phalaenopsis are shade growing plants. Not deep shade, but bright shade. It shouldn't be getting any direct sunlight at all.
Phals are also for the most part lowland to middle elevation tropical plants. Many of them do not like it cooler than 60 F although some can take it down to 55 F. Temperature highs of about 90 F are ideal but they can handle temperatures up into the hundreds.
They are also slow growing. Phals only put out on average 1 to 2 leaves a year. Occassionally they will grow 3 or 4, but rarely.
Typically, spring is the normal blooming season. Phals in bloom during different times of the year are due to growers forcing the blooms.
Spring and summer are when the heaviest growing occurs. Growth starts slowing down in the fall and may stop during winter (sometimes they grow a little in winter, but not much).
Don't be surprised if your Phal will take up to a year to acclimate before starting to establish itself. Meaning they can, and have been known to not grow at all until around 6 months to a year after initially purchasing it.
A word of advice...
Your Phalaenopsis is not dead until everything, I mean leaves, roots, and flower spike(s), are all dead.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 06-29-2009 at 01:12 PM..