Originally Posted by Vanessa
Since you started your post by stating you had just repotted your chids it would be hard to believe the medium was decomposing. Best of luck!
Yes - I always read that it may mean your mix is breaking down and you need to repot - but all of my plants had been repotted very recently. So nix that.
Also have read it means you are keeping plants too wet - well some plants need to me constantly moist! When I tried to let the most problematic plants dry out a bit more I lost a spike on an angraecum - which btw is potted in charcoal, and two milts just became very sorry looking with tons of pleated foliage!
Also the first plant i found gnat larvae in was a laellia which 1. was only in that pot and media for maybe 2 months. and 2. was allowed to dry completely before getting watered! (and in a clay pot btw)
I believe I have addressed the problem - kill larvae in pot so they can't become adults and reproduce - and
trying to keep the adult population down - and out of the media by using repellant essential oils - so they wont lay eggs in pot and reproduce!
Spiders have helped with adults - and sticky traps etc all work toward this end!
All suggestions here sound good - and I will proly be adding to my aresenal as needed