Hi all,
Last weekend I put my chids outside not all just the ones that I thought could handle it. And they were in the sun for a very short time, morning sun, maybe 1-2 hours. Everything looked great, woke up the next morning and my BLC has a black spot right in the middle of the leaf, now this plant is large and the leaves are very dark so when it was in the sun in the morning I thought cool now it'll "perk" up and things will be great. Then I noticed on my cattleya it has a black tipped leaf this was on a bottom shelf and was not sitting in the sun. And the rest of the plants I put out just look blah, is this just an adjustment period? So I've been covering them during the "sun" hours. I'm at work or I would post pics but I thought I'd come on real quick and get opinions. I brought them all in this morning before work as I wouldn't be there to cover them up. Will the sunburn hurt the plant, will I lose the leaves? Thanks so much everyone!