Hi all,
Last weekend I put my chids outside not all just the ones that I thought could handle it. And they were in the sun for a very short time, morning sun, maybe 1-2 hours. Everything looked great, woke up the next morning and my BLC has a black spot right in the middle of the leaf, now this plant is large and the leaves are very dark so when it was in the sun in the morning I thought cool now it'll "perk" up and things will be great. Then I noticed on my cattleya it has a black tipped leaf this was on a bottom shelf and was not sitting in the sun. And the rest of the plants I put out just look blah, is this just an adjustment period? So I've been covering them during the "sun" hours. I'm at work or I would post pics but I thought I'd come on real quick and get opinions. I brought them all in this morning before work as I wouldn't be there to cover them up. Will the sunburn hurt the plant, will I lose the leaves? Thanks so much everyone!
Well if you move a plant immediately from an area of low light to high intense light- there is no room to adjust so the plant burns. Gradual movement from an area of lower light to higher light is the way to go to avoid burn, possibly even some shade cloth!
Are they in a south, west, east, direction?
You might have done some burn damage, if you post some pics Im sure it would help
Full sun is full sun. If the unfiltered sun strikes the leaves of a plant not used to such high light intensities, the top plant cells literally boil and the cooked surface is brown. If you rescue it prior to the actual point of damage, then the leaves often turn red. As cookiemonster said, you should introduce high light levels gradually. Any damage you see is irreversible.