@Bird song farm Thanks for the warning about the light requirements!
Yes, this Phal. might need some special care! For instance on a German forum I've read they are more prone to root rot - linked to a longer dry season during winter for schilleriana.
A member from OB gave me some very good information which comes from OW for both species!
About riding the bike with orchids. They were not in a basket but in my ruck sack. How bad is that? LOL
@ Beth
In situ Phal's sort of grow up side down. At least they have the crown faced down. This is kind of survival trick for this plant. With the crown down rainwater can't collect in the crown or between the leaves. As you could see my orchids were soaking. To repot them I had to clean up my working space first because everyting was covered with old moss and bark. So, either I had to lay down the orchids to wait to be repotted (and should lock the cats out of my working space)... or... hang them upside down. Kind of mimicking nature to get rid as fast as possible the water/moisture that was trapped between leafs (with you can speed up using tissue paper too). It's not necessary to dry them before you pot them, but it's important to have the leafs and the spaces between the leafs dry before the night (I started repotting at 8 pm) - if wet during the night it could cause several kinds of nasty problems, like rot. In fact, I prefer roots to be soaking wet when I repot. Soaked roots are not as stiff als dry ones and chances they break are less when soaked.
I hope this was helpful for you, if not, please ask