Hello everyone!
This is my first time signing up on a forum but so far im very happy i did as everyone has great information

My name is Ali and I live in good ol sunny Florida. I received my first Phal orchid three months ago and since then i have been hooked. Ive read that almost everyone kills their first orchid... Well, i haven't killed one yet but i definitely think one of them is well on that path. I wont dare give up on it as it has sentimental value and i have yet to see one that looks like it. This is what happened to my poor Phal
Upon receiving the plant, i was in my car moving from Ft Myers to Miami. It was planted in moss and though the roots werent visible it appeared in great conditions. Its had two stems fully in bloom and all 10 leaves were firm and plump.
I got to Miami, put the plant in the center of my living room ( all windows and doors had blinds ) the next day i woke up and the flowers well wilting and falling. It seemed normal as it looked like they had been open a while and maybe the shock of moving was hard on them. well Long story short; 2 months and 20 orchid books later, i had a plant with almost no roots, 5 leaves ( cosmetically ruined but alive) no flowers/stems and re potted in bark. It seemed to finally be happy as a new leaf and one root started to grow ( all smiles) and THEN my roomate decided to put it out in the balcony. BIG MISTAKE as the sun comes up on that side. Didnt take long for me to realize it was out there but it was already too late. ALL leaves are SOOOOO badly burned as well as the new growth from the crown
No matter how much i read about it, i would feel better getting advice from the experts on here! Any advice on what to do next? Please help. I refuse to give up on it. I don't care how ugly it will look as long as it recovers!!!
1st pic- new
2nd- first time i saw roots shortly after flowers started to fall
3rd- sunburned
4th & 5th - new growth turning black from burn?