Thank you for your advices!!! I moved it and it has more light now.
About humidity - I usually try how much is the substrate humid and if it is slightly humid I water it + it is retting everyday and it stands on a "basin" (I do not know if it is right world, sorry for that, my english is horrible ) with pebbles and water on the bottom.
I try to change its conditions and we will see ... Thanks once more!!!
this is weird because i have alot of paphs in too lower light and none have grown up like that. I'd increase the humidity maybe with a gravel tray under it(just make sure the pots not in the water).
this is weird because i have alot of paphs in too lower light and none have grown up like that. I'd increase the humidity maybe with a gravel tray under it(just make sure the pots not in the water).
I can try to give it more humidity, I have nearly all my orchids standing on a grade and under this grade there is a gravel and water to have more air humidity
Do you think I'd cover these "roots" on the stem with coco fiber or sphagnum moss?
it looks as tho it is reaching out for more light...try giving it a brighter location....the weak growth may not make it, but it should send out another fan from the bottom of the plant if the roots are heathly with it....
I must say that its strange growth started on the window so I replaced it ... now I replace it again on other window to the room with lower temperature (there is not direct light - outside the window there are Cymbidiums in front of this paph).
Its roots seems to be in a good condition.
I am not sure what the reason for this kind of growing could be... I have a Paph. wardii doing the same with one (out of 3) growth... the plant has enough humidity and quite high light level... the two other growths are normal....