Better be careful
Putting up pipes to hang orchids on:
After 61 years of playing with, and working with AC electricity I finely got mine. On top of a 12’ “Aluminum” ladder in the rain I stuck the end of an un-insinuated wire into a hot 220vAC wire and got the crap stocked out of me and had to throw myself into space to get away from it.
I hit three flowerpots, and a tree on the way down then landed on a cement border around the tree.
I’m OK, sore cut up a little but alive. The juice went in my left hand and out my left knee so it didn’t cross my heart or other organs (or pianos) on the way out. Left hand hurts and left knee is swollen and very sore.
I could feel each cycle of the AC as it went threw me and I could not open my hand. A smaller or person who was not in as good a shape as I am would have fried their heart. 5 minutes after the stock/fall my BP was 132/62 with a pulse of 65, that’s high for me but I’ll take it.
I have had many friends do the same thing and die. Over 33 years as a telephone man I lost a lot of friends to doing the wrong thing at the wrong time and today it was me BUT, I’m OK.
So Mote It Be