"another" phal in dire need
Hi everyone, I posted a couple days ago asking "do I have thirps", thanks for the replies! I didn't have them, I had damp soggy moss and root rot! I am slightly confused because the plant looks healthy in all other aspects...no yellow or droopy leaves, no dropped buds, it just had 5 more buds open. However, in reading this forum and the heaps of useful advice I decided to pull it out of its pot and have a look - bad news, rotten roots thru out. I blame the moss...it wasn't drying out fast enough. I was watering very conservatively (1 every 10 days to 2 weeks when the pot felt light) so my conclusion is that moss is not a good medium for orchids on the BC coast.
Anyway, I have the new bark soaking and am going to leave whats left of the roots to dry out tonight, maybe even tomorrow. My question, based on the photos below, is did I trim enough of the roots off? The two longer roots left are still firm, although near the top they have damage and are only connected by the stingy center of the root. Should I trim these off as well? finally, should I cut off the flower spike and let the plant concentrate on recovering?
image 1 - what I found after pulling the orchid out of its pot and moss
image 2 - the roots close up before I trimed
image 3 - what roots I have left to dry out before re potting.
Thanks for your help! R