Superbelks - my phals looked just like after they got repotted and some of the leaves are still wilted and turning yellow and falling off... I was told before that it was normal for the lower leaves to fall because of the severity of my phals root rot. I agree though - you might want to double-check the roots. I also repotted mine in much smaller plastic pots with holes cut out of the sides. They're in a combination of spag moss around the outer edges of the pots because they were covered in it before (people have mentioned that it might be a difficult transition if just put in pure bark) and thick chunks of bark on top. I've also used KLN root hormone with warm water to encourage root growth. It seems to have helped because they are both begining to grow new roots. Good luck!
Guys thank you so much for your replies. I did check the roots again and I'm sad to report all the roots were rotten, my hard previous work was killed by this horrible orchid mix, I do not recommend it to ANYBODY. I cut out all the roots and did a hail-mary sphag-bag... here's praying that it works.
I am so sorry Superbelks. :-( I completely understand and am still praying mine hang in there. Good luck with the spag-n-bag. I hope she pulls through.