metalop: I saw that basket at Wal-Mart... it didn't look big enough for the orchid, lol. And I
am the grandchild
learning2letgo: Thank you! I was considering leaving it in the pot and just putting it in a larger one...
metalop: The orchid has been in that pot for decads; I don't recall my grandfather ever repotting it (or any of his other orchids for that matter!) I've included some pictures; the last one is the best pic I could get of the 'medium', which has led me to believe that the orchid is actually planted in the kind of gravel used to line pathways, and not traditional orchid medium. It is also covered in debris from the tree under which it had previously sat.
As said before, the orchid is now throwing out roots like crazy, so I've included some pics... I didn't water it before I took the pictures (the first set of pics was the orchid after watering). These were taken today.