Hi...yes, often when people suggest clear pots, it s to be able to look at the roots to determine root health or to see problems as they start. It can also help you tell when to water, based on whether the root surface has become dry down in the pot or if they lower reaches of the roots still have moisture even when the top surface roots are dry. People put these clear pots into stoneware just because stoneware pots are decorative, and then just pull out the clear pot periodically to look at it.
There are clear pots with several drainholes at the bottom, vents on the side, and/or a raised inner section so that the orchids get air to their roots, too. I just got these for phals to help me have a better idea when to water and to be able to see root problems quickly.
I don't have experience Cymbidium specifically to be able to say whether the clear pot would to be in the stoneware to not burn or not...but I'm sure others on the board could tell you.