Hi and thanks
I had quite a few good healthy roots before potting. There were strong arial roots too that are now in the mixture. My plants are in an east window on a humidity tray. I'm not sure on the temperature but my other phal is doing great. Watering schedule...I dont have one per se. My other phal is in moss, so I just sit and wait until its mostly dried out and the roots are silver. I'm not sure why this one rotted and the other didnt except that the one that didnt has stones in the bottom.
Interesting on the clay pot. I was nervous about it myself as I've always had orchids in plastic. I could wrap it in a heating blanket

Sorry, I dont have pics. I'll try using my cell phone but it doesnt bring out details too well.
Oh, and where should I cut it? below the last bloom? Maybe I can get another bloom this year??