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05-04-2009, 02:15 AM
Jr. Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
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New Phal with no aerial roots?
I just purchased a smaller Phal from Home Depot and noticed that there weren't any aerial roots. I pushed aside some of the medium (moss) and found a few tiny roots with black tips and one little knob that looks like a healthy root. What causes the roots to die and how can I help it grow new aerial roots? I plan on repotting next week, so I'll know more about the other root conditions, but overall the plant looks pretty healthy. The leaves are pretty red, but I'm guessing it was just receiving a lot of light. Also, on a side note, it appears as thought there are two Phals growing side by side. There is the main plant, but underneath one side of the plant, there is another crown with three leaves. Do Phals ever divide like this? I'm sure I will find out the story when I do the repot next week...

05-04-2009, 02:34 AM
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I would advise that you always check for the roots first before you look at the plant, and consider the condition of the flowers last on an orchid.
It's a crapshoot as to whether or not your plant will pull through. I would return it to the Home Depot and get a replacement.
Otherwise some people here use the sphag and bag method. I don't know how to do this so you gotta ask others about this method.
Of course the better option is to replace it with a return from the Home Depot. It's not worth the hassle, anxiety, and frustration.

05-04-2009, 04:12 AM
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i hope you could post pics on how severe your phal is.. anyway... luckily i just had a lesson with a
"phal grower". and actually phals arent that in need of water. as what ive read in some infos on the net. so far you just have to wait and see... but if the plant looks healthy and not drooping theres nothing much to worry... well u just have to wait for the roots to pop out... just be careful on wateing.... you can prolly spray some rooting hormone or better give them a dip for 5 min... then let nature runs its course..

05-04-2009, 05:45 AM
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Rooting hormone has worked for me in the past. Phals generally like an open mix from my experience.

05-04-2009, 01:53 PM
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Overwatering and no drainage will kill the roots.
The smaller plant growing on the side sounds like a basal keiki.
Repotting should be the very first thing you do when purchasing a plant from a box store. The root condition is the most important aspect of the plant.
Can you post pictures?

05-04-2009, 02:35 PM
Jr. Member
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I actually bought it knowing there weren't any visible aerial roots... I kind of wanted the challenge so I could learn more and the plant was cheap. I saw an opportunity for lots of learning when I realized it had split into two plants. I didn't think about that it was a keiki. I looked at all the leaves before I purchased it, but I guess I missed a spot, because I found a sunken brown spot on the bottom leaf of the main plant. I posted some pictures, but the spot is in a shadow, so it's kind of hard to see. I have some physan coming in the mail as well as a new s/h system which I'm very excited about! I should be able to re-pot in a few days when it has all arrived. Is there anything else I should be doing in the meantime? Thanks for all your replies!

05-04-2009, 02:48 PM
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Phals don't necessarily produce aerial roots, the important ones are in the media. (if grown in a pot)
I would NOT transplant into S/H if you do not have new root growth. I love S/H and have most all my orchids in it, but the plant has to aclimate to a new growing culture and if you do not have new root growth starting, chances are you'll not be successful with your repot.

05-04-2009, 04:31 PM
Jr. Member
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My physan 20 just arrived in the mail and I was wondering, is it safe to be used indoors? If so, do I need to wear a mask/gloves? I live in an apartment, so I have to do all my orchid care indoors. What is the best way to use physan? If I dip the whole plant in it, won't it get in the crown and cause rot?? Thanks!!

05-04-2009, 04:58 PM
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Do you have a fungus or are you planning to use as a preventative?
Just use it as per the directions on the bottle and insert.

05-04-2009, 05:07 PM
Jr. Member
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Age: 39
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I'm using mainly as a preventative. I also suspect another plant of mine has a fungus, so I was going to treat it. I read the directions, but it doesn't specify if it can be breathed in or not. I'm nervous about using it in my apartment because I don't want anything toxic lingering around here. The instructions didn't say much about safety info. Just that if you got it on skin or clothing to wash it off right away...
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