If you're going to remove a spent spike, I would cut it a few centimeters above the base of the stem... That's what I usually do with my dendros and phals... I take a little cinnamon powder and add enough water to make a thin paste and dab it over the cut spike with a q-tip... Just a little natural herbicide
A lot of times, orchids will droop or lose their bloom and cease new buds when changing environments... Sometimes you'll hear this referred to as
bud blast which is just a term to describe the shock of the plant being relocated. It's basically being a fussy child and saying it'll show you for moving it...

You've got to love your 'chids! Plants really are funny (seriously)... They respond to care in such a manner sometimes it'll have you scratching your head for sure...
Best wishes with your venture and don't get discouraged, with a little TLC you'll have rebloomers in no time!