I have 2 brassavolas..one is smaller (with only 5-6 leaves), the other one is huge and beautiful..
I recently repotted it, the vase wasn't appropriate, I was told in this forums that it's too high..
The photos below are before changing vases.
I know it is a stress for the plant when repotting, so I don't expect her to bloom soon..But I want to see and smell her madly

(after almost 3 years)
What I do:
- shower in the sink for 1 minute every sunday, every other one I fertilize it..
-mist/vaporizer every day
-window is facing south-east, so it has plenty of light
-water is filtered, and not cold
I have cut a lot of dead roots when I did the change, but now I see fresh green roots all over the place, and small little leafs, so it seems she is fine..
How often does brassavola n. flower?
Is it ok with her if I put it out on the balcony under direct sun (balcony is south-east too)?
I would like very much to mount it, but I think it's a little bit too big..
If I decide to do it, I guess I need to partition it, right?
How do i do this operation? I am so scared of not killing it..
Am I on the right path here?
Thank you very much, any advice will count