I'm no expert for sure, but I can give a few thoughts. I just transfered a bunch of plants over to S/H, although none of them were in bloom.
The way I understood it, one really important factor in transferring to S/H is to get new root growth, which is why it's best to transfer when new growth is starting. That being said, not all of my plants were putting out new growth quite yet when I transfered them, and all of them are doing great now.
So... I guess what I'm trying to get to, is that if you really don't mind losing the blooms, chopping them will cause the plant to redirect it's energy to growth. I guess you could re-pot, leaving the spike in tact, then cut it if you see the plant showing signs of stress. I think that would be my move... but then I'm a sucker for those blooms!
Best of luck to you either way!