I ask this because I have never actually seen a bloom open from bud to flower. As I'm sure most of you haven't either. But at last there is hope!!!

I have set up my digital video camera to record the opening of the last bud on my harliquin Phalenopsis. It has just started to roll back the edges of the petals. And I am hoping that by tonight the floower willbe fully open.
I have my camera set to interval record every 10 mins. for 1.5 seconds. A new tape was loaded, camera on a tripod, the lights are set and will stay on the entire recording time and hopefully my kids will just stay clear of the whole deal. I even posted signs all around the setting.
So hopefully when it's all done I'll edit it down and be able to post it here for you all. I use Photobucket to post pictures here, can I also use that to post a vid or is there a better site for that?
Maybe I have too much time on my hands... What's that they say about idle hands and the devil...?