That's funny Peter! Well, not really funny for your orchids, but funny the way you told it. This is why I plant all the things that need or want to be planted in my yard. "Have a plan and then stick to the plan!" is my matra. Of course there are a few places that still need figuring out, but no one is planting a freaking orange tree without permission first! That and they won't grow here, but still...
As for keeping other plants near my orchids, well there might be a few tomato, cabbage, summer squash or daisey's in my orchid enclosure right now. But that's it, no more. Not a single other plant makes it in there unless I approve. Or the wife wants it... But that's IT!
"Yes honey, I'm coming..."
BTW, the other plants in my enclosure aren't harming a thing. They were all started from seeds and have grown very nicely in my mini-greenhouse. Next I'm going to get a Cala-lily to try in there. We have the worst time with those here in dry Colorado and my wife loves them. A cala for her and a new orchid for me.

That's fair.