Two questions--should this be in direct sun? I've had it under florescent all winter, and am thinking of moving it to a sunny west window. and two, if the psudobulbs look wrinkly, does that mean it's not getting enough water?
(yes, I'm a total novice)
Thanks in advance
my plants grows on a south-west facing window, which is slightly open during winter (24h/day) and completelly open during summer time...
water... this plants needs A LOT OF water!!! my plant grows in semi-hydro, and I need to refill every other day (more or less) so often that at the beginning I thought the pot was broken! (other S/H plants still have water after one week!)
I agree with Ramon on the watering. Dendrochilums like water. I've had good results with Dendrochilum tenellum potted in moss. I let the medium dry out completely between waterings.
No direct sunlight for Dendrochilums. They can take strong light, but not direct light. Think Cattleya in terms of lighting.
my plants grows on a south-west facing window, which is slightly open during winter (24h/day) and completelly open during summer time...
water... this plants needs A LOT OF water!!! my plant grows in semi-hydro, and I need to refill every other day (more or less) so often that at the beginning I thought the pot was broken! (other S/H plants still have water after one week!)
thanks!! and what do you mean by semi-hydro? I never leave mine in standing water, although that's what this sounds like.
Welcome to the OB bebo.
Semi-hydro is another growing method: pot filled with LECA and water in the bottom inch of the pot. The roots are not in standing water. For more info on this there are several good threads here on the board.