Vanda, should i bother try any longer...?
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Old 04-17-2009, 07:35 PM
peeweelovesbooks peeweelovesbooks is offline
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Vanda, should i bother try any longer...? Female

I would try to save it. I have 2 problem vandas since oh,.......october of last year and they are both slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwly starting to come around.
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Old 04-17-2009, 08:56 PM
neb neb is offline
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Can you buy a coconut at a local store if so the get the heaviest one there and bring it home and drain out the liquid inside it contains rooting hormones
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Old 04-17-2009, 10:18 PM
Lene Th. Lene Th. is offline
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Originally Posted by neb View Post
Can you buy a coconut at a local store if so the get the heaviest one there and bring it home and drain out the liquid inside it contains rooting hormones
I have seen coconuts from time to time, so ill try to find one!
But do i use the liquid as it is, just let the Vanda sit in it for a while, or?
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Old 04-18-2009, 12:48 AM
Roy Roy is offline
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Vanda, should i bother try any longer...? Male

I can understand why members are saying to try and save this plant but realistically, should it start to grow, it will be many years before this plant will flower again given the cultural environment its in. The time and effort to re-establish this plant then get it to flower, the grower may be too old to appreciate it when it does. Its called reality.
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Old 04-18-2009, 09:36 AM
Lene Th. Lene Th. is offline
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Originally Posted by Roy View Post
I can understand why members are saying to try and save this plant but realistically, should it start to grow, it will be many years before this plant will flower again given the cultural environment its in. The time and effort to re-establish this plant then get it to flower, the grower may be too old to appreciate it when it does. Its called reality.
Absolutely. And im usually quite a realist as well, i would probably toss it away if it werent for two things.

First, i really love the Vanda alliance.
They are gorgeous flowers, even without flowers.
The hole consept of a plant relying totaly on their surrondings like the Vanda with its bare roots, is just a little miracle in my mind. And still, theese plants are able to survive in several invoroments, just by hanging on, littererly, by its roots.
The Vanda own a little special place in my heart, as it *lol* reminds me a lot of myself.
Im i survivor as well.

Second, i would have bougth another Vanda "yesterday" if i where able to.
But, theese are expencive plants everywhere, Norway are no exeption. And since they are also a bit difficult to get here, the vendors turn the prices skyhigh.
And the finance-crisis have reach us as well. There will be no new plants for me the next decade, i assume.
Not even a halfdead Phal.

So i wont give up on this Vanda as long as it wont give up on me.

Last edited by Lene Th.; 04-18-2009 at 09:41 AM..
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Old 04-18-2009, 09:45 AM
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Vanda, should i bother try any longer...? Male


In order to accelerate the growth, that plant needs to be quite warm. Personally, I never let my vandaceous plants see temperatures below 15°C, and at that they stop growing. In the spring and summer, with the bright sunlight, they thrive at 35° with lots of water and humidity.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 04-18-2009, 10:32 AM
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I tend to agree with Ray, Vandas grow roots very quickly in warm and humid conditions with bright light. Over here in Los Angeles, California, spring is when I start seeing rapid growth all the way through summer, then they slow down in the fall, and stop in winter. They can push out a leaf or two during this time, and several new roots. These can grow a couple inches before the cold starts up.

If you don't have these Vandas already, I can recommend some cooler growing Vandas to you. They could be a bit easier for you to see what goes on with them.

Try Vanda coerulea, V. coerulescens, V. luzonica, any blue Ascocenda inter-generic hybrid, or any Neostylis inter-generic hybrid. A word about V. luzonica, they're more intermediate growing plants than cooler growing. Vanda coerulea I know from experience can tolerate cold. Vanda coerulescens I've read can tolerate cold.
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Old 04-18-2009, 11:33 AM
nutgirl nutgirl is offline
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Re Roy's post. You are right about the reality of reviving struggling orchids, however. I've learned a lot experimenting with different methods, environments and types of orchids by playing around with ones that weren't thriving. They don't mean as much to me so I don't mind if I fail. What I do learn I can apply to the ones I care about.

And sometimes I'm just up for a challenge.

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Old 04-18-2009, 11:52 AM
Lene Th. Lene Th. is offline
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Thanks *s*

I have put a see-thru bag over the Vanda, with opening at the top(small) and bottom(bigger, around the vase).
There is Epiweb in the bottom of the glasvase, and a little water in the bottom.
I placed a light turning against the vase, giving the leafs a bit more light, but the warmth are directed towards the vase and steam. There is also a light inside the terrarium, under/aside the Vanda that i belive will previde both extra humidity and warmth.

Its already placed where there is brigth light, but no direct sun (Over the open terrarium, so theres some air sirculation as well from the evaporation of the water.)

The humidity seems high, as there are a bit fog inside the bag, so i might have to remove it for a while every day to refresh the air, and give the Vanda a chance to dry a bit to prevent any fungus.

Ill be sure to give it water, and will try to hold back on the nutrition for a little while.

And then its just a question of the Vandas will to survive, and my patience, i guess. *s*

Wish me luck!

King, ive noted all the names, and will be sure to look out for thees species!
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Old 09-02-2010, 01:01 PM
CTB CTB is offline
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If you have been trying for a year, why quit now, see it to the end and you might be surprised. Thanks for sharing.

Did it survive??????????????????????????
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leafs, roots, saving vanda, vanda, watering, bother

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