Off course i will... but i really need some help to figure out how.
I bought this gourgeous Vanda a year ago, and got a real nice price since it was very dry, both leafs and roots. The flowers looked somehow deformed as well..
Most of the roots vere like paper, and did not change color after several times of heavy watering.
After a short while, the Vanda lost half its leafs, and i trimmed away the roots that where/seemed dead (That may not have been the smartest thing i did, but they where all dry, and black inside... so i really dont think it mattered..)
I continued watering the poor thing, but it kept on loosing leafs, and the roots just dryed out even more.
After some weeks, there where no roots left.
I figured out it needed more humidity, and placed it into my terrarium. There are no cover, and the Vanda got placed over some living Sphagnum moss. There are a bright light in the terrarium for my slider, that also produced warmth. And i placed a second light over the tarrarium for exstra light. There are two other mounted phals living here, and they thrive in theire home.
Some weeks later, i could see a new root emerging.

The Vanda stayed there all winter, but the root does not seem to grow as fast as i would like it too... And the leafs continued to fall of, and shrivel.
About two weeks ago, i cut of the yellow parts of the leafs, and closed the wounds with cinnamon.
Then i made the Vanda a new home, in a glas vase with some Epiweb in the bottom for humidity.
The Vanda has gotten plantfood with every second watering, and i have watered every day after it moved to the vase. If theres sun, i try to water several times a day, as soon as i see the roots are white again after last watering. I don water after foure in the evening.
Before, when it was in mt terrarium, the watering was a lot less, course the root stayed moist almost all the time, keeping the green color. I just took it out for feeding once a week, but it got
misting every fourth to third day during the winter, depending on the green color beeing faint or not.
Its been fed both with nutrition and vit B1(living in Norway, i cant get any growth-hormones), and i always water before feeding.
(The nutrition contains N 7%, NO3- 4%, P 1%, K 4%, Cu 0,01%, Fe 0,05%, Mn 0,02%, Zn 0,002% Dont know if this information helps, but all that may count...)
Its now in a light sunny position, beside a large window that gets sun from morning to evening(Last pic.)
I have a fan hanging from the floor as well, and it is on a few times every day.
There seems to be emerging a new root as well, but will the Vanda survive until there are more healthy roots? And how can i help it both keep the roots, and grow more... Not to even mention the foliage, thats just too dry even now with all the watering...?
Heres some pics as well, so you can see what im dealing with...

Attachment 29778

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