Edit: warning I talk myself through a total change of mind in this post. Get used to it because this is how my poor little brain works, lol, begin crazy post:
Wow, lots of great info while I was away, THANKS.
Tim, good to hear that you now are growing with just PCs. If you can flower all those with 2 55w 6700k PCs, then I can certainly do something with my 4 65w fixture if I buy some 6700Ks. This is very good to hear since I have found that PCs do not go below 5200k.
King of Orchid Growing, thanks for the detailed info. Yes, the PCs only go to 5200K (I found one source for those.) 6700K are easy to find and can even be picked up in local aquarium stores. 6500k are not too hard to find but I am sure there is not much difference so I will just go with the easier 6700Ks.
By the way, you must have missed the start of the thread. I am a big reef hobbiest. I have kept saltwater tanks longer than orchids so I am very familar with that lighting. The reason that I am going with PCs is because I am wanting to use a old CoralLife reef light I had that I don't use anymore on tanks. Say what you want about the lamps, CoralLife fixtures have always lasted me well. This fixture is over 5 years old I believe.
Until I came back to read the new post, I had sold myself on a New Wave brand T5 HO 4X54w set up with mixture of 6700 and 3000k lamps. I found them for just $190 at a hydroponics supplier but with all 6700Ks so I would have to buy two 3000k lamps. AND that brings me to a new discovery. T5 lamps are CHEAP! Like $15 compared to PCs that are over $30 a lamp!
I may go with the T5s later to save a buck or even now since to upgrade 4 65w PCs is going to cost me about $132!!!
Yikes, so if I go with the T5 setup then I am paying all told with the two extra lamps about $220 and that is a whole new set up plus two bulbs vs $132 just for new PC lamps and much cheaper to replace lamps. Hmm, I think I just talked myself into T5s.
Sorry to change the thread a bit but does anyone know if New Wave is a dependable brand?
Last edited by HereticHammer; 04-12-2009 at 10:18 PM..