Thanks Ryan! I'll have to look for that book.
I keep checking on the plant to see if the blooms are ready to pop, but nothing yet. What do they say about a watched pot never boils...?
BTW, I got the new pine tree in the ground tonight. It looks great and it should do well in it's new home. Up the hill from the very large Austrian pine.
Spring is here and I'm already planting stuff. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
This Friday evening at Tagawa's is their annual Wine and Roses event. I went over there today to get some orchid stuff and took a look see at the roses. HOLY FREAKING COW! The temp in the green house is way up to make the roses bloom and the smell is out of this world. I love the smell of orchids, but get about 2500 fully in bloom roses in one room and nothing else stands a chance. What an amazing sight it is. Every color in the rainbow, but green. Very nice.
Hmmm... it's funny that I am attached to the slightly more fussy plants, orchids, African violets, roses, hmmmm...