Oncidium: 3 pseudobulbs, 5 leaves, other curoisities.
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Oncidium: 3 pseudobulbs, 5 leaves, other curoisities.
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Old 04-05-2009, 11:58 AM
spiregrain spiregrain is offline
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Oncidium: 3 pseudobulbs, 5 leaves, other curoisities.
Question Oncidium: 3 pseudobulbs, 5 leaves, other curoisities.

I have this Oncidium I got at Trader Joe's two winters ago. I seem to have figured out what to do to get it to grow new pseudobulbs, but it seems reluctant to produce many leaves. It also has some other problems.

One pseudobulb is the one the onc originally came with. It is about 3 inches tall and has two leaves, one of those leaves being the only large leaf (growing from the top) and the other one (growing from the side). There are a couple horizontal lines which are sort of dry-tan looking across this bulb, but otherwise it appears to be firm, plump, and green.

The next pseudobulb never grew any leaves. It is about 2 inches tall, and similar in plumpness and greenness to the others. It has a tiny (1-2 mm) tip poking out of the top, but it's had that same tip for more than a year. The lip of the pseudobulb around that tip is dried and tan, and looks kind of hard -- the kind of drying you get on an edge when you have to cut a piece off a live leaf. There is a dry-looking shriveled tan spot near the base of this bulb that has been there, without changing, for more than a year. It reminds me of a callous on a hand or foot -- seems not to be alive in that area, but also does not seem to interfere with the material around it.

The next pseudobulb developed this past year and it produces leaves. It is about two inches tall. Two leaves grow out of the top and one grows from the side. This bulb is very active and enthusiastic about producing new growth, bit I feel it's on the small side.

There's also a new shoot next to the third pseudobulb. I can't tell if it is going to be a fourth pseudobulb or if it is associated with the third one.

This onc is watered niagarally with excellent drainage, once a week. It sits on a humidity tray and is in the most humid room in the house. It sits in the sunniest window I've got. It seems overall to like these things... most of the damage problems it currently faces are from previous conditions.

Anyway, my questions:

1. How can I improve my care of this plant so that it will be able to become more leafy? Is there a good leaf-to-bulb ratio that I should be bringing it towards?

2. What do I do about the 2nd pseudobulb?
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Old 04-05-2009, 03:02 PM
King_of_orchid_growing:)'s Avatar
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I think you've done a lot of things right so far. It doesn't sound like an ailing plant, (at least without pics it does). Plants have genetic defects too, so if all the growing conditions are right and it seems to be growing vigorously and everything else on the plant as a whole look normal, then it's probably out of your control.

Unless...it's a root issue...

Here's a challenge...try getting the roots of your Oncidium to grow nicely. It sounds easy, but it isn't. Try it out, consider it a move on up to the next level of growing your Oncidium. See if that'll get your plant to look better than what it is now.
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Old 04-05-2009, 03:06 PM
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BTW pics help a lot. Other people on this board can spot things just one person couldn't or would forget about mentioning. You could have a lot more to work with if you start getting more info from others and start seeing a common trend.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 04-05-2009 at 03:07 PM.. Reason: grammar
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Old 04-05-2009, 03:45 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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It's hard to say without pix but I think your onc is fine! the older growths do shed foliage. I think your pbulb without foliage is an older growth that has dropped its leaves. pbulbs will not re-grow foliage. most onc will have 2 leaves growing from the top of the pbulb but those will after time die and fall off. the side foliage are 'bracts' (sorry not sure of the correct term) they too will die usually before the foliage on top of the pbulb. spikes initiate from within these bracts, new growth sometime does too.

If the pbulbs look good and you are getting new growth I imagine your plant is well and has just shed old foliage! sounds like you are doing a good job!
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leaves, pseudobulb, tall, tip, top, curoisities, pseudobulbs, oncidium

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