Just out of curiosity, what does everyone do with their old, broken down orchid potting mix? Do you just throw it away? Put it on the compost heap? Use it as mulch in the garden? Put it in a blender with lime juice and bananas and market it online as a tasty health-food shake? Let the people of OB know what you do with it!
I just got done throwing out my old medium (sphag or bark mix) around the base of my Metasequoia glyptostroboides. Type that one into google and see what it is. he he he he he he... do it.
It all gets collect in bags or buckets and goes into the outdoor containers and gardens, then gets tilled over, You can't waste this stuff, you know! Besides I didn't think making muffins from this stuff would go over too well
In France I compost it. No sense in throwing it away when it can have a second life in the veggie garden! But here in NL I'm in an apartment building, so I go dump the old bark in the woods.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....