OK, well maybe it's not all your fault, but this place is EVIL!!!!
So I went to one of my favorite gardening centers to look at some new house plants that aren't orchids. You know, those other green, leafy things that normal people have in their houses. We needed to replace a nasty fern that just isn't doing well in our front room. Ferns are even more touchy and harder to keep than orchids. That is here in this high desert environment. Anyhow, to get to the other house plants I had to walk past the orchid display.
And that's when I saw it and smelled it. A very tiny (2" pot) Neostylis Lou Sneary Bluebird. The wonderful and fairly small flowers are just way too cool. And the sweet smell they put off!!! Wow!
So anyway, I was hooked. That's now a total of 6 orchids for me.
On to the pictures!!!!!
I can smell them right now just looking at those pictures!