I am newbie to orchid and gardening. A few weeks ago my husband bought me a white phal for my 24 birthday, and I instantly fell in love with this beautiful/elegant creature.
So after a few weeks (every 5 days watering and fertilizing "orchid food"), I noticed that there are some weird brown spots on the surface roots-->
(I know it means something, as it does not seem green or silvery green as most articles suggested) and the root tip at the draining hole appears to be brownish black-->
Also there are some unexplainable white powderish substances on the surface of the pox mix, see above photo carefully (the right stone). The white powder does not seem so serious on the photo as the photo was taken after watering. But when it is dry/damp, you can really see the powder.
Also some powdery spots on the leaves, tho they can easily be wiped off by dry tissue paper or even finger tips... -->
Apart from those issues, my phal grows healthy and all leaves seem green and good -->
and 6 flowers in bloom and 5 coming.
So can anyone please instruct me on how to resolve those issues? Should I wipe off the powderish stuff the leaves? This plant means so much to me, and I put lots of love and care into this phal.
Soo many questions I am sorry. and thanks everyone for reading this newbie article!