Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:)
Wet the roots. Things will come off the roots easier. Wetting them also makes them more pliable and more resistant to damage during repotting.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll remember that for next time. Before I potted them up, I did read in a book I got from the library called "Moth Orchids" that mentioned watering the plant well the day before repotting AND putting the new medium in water to soak for 24 hours. I did just that and the roots in their old medium came out loose and damp and the roots were plump but pliable. So the procedure works well.
I've been out on my in-laws ranch for the weekend so it'll be interesting to see if my plants still look happy when I return.
I live in Colorado and we're battling severely low humidity this weekend. I only hope my humidifier has enough water in the reservoir to keep the flat in good condition. I do have them sitting above humidity trays, too.
Again-- I hope these guys survive-- they're so freaking cool!