My chids are hugging each other as well, due to lack of free space and to encrease humidity.
They are in a windowsill right now so the light is good, and thoug i have big windows, there is not mutch free space after my 30 or so chids have occupied it...*lol*
I grow most of them in s/h, and this encreases the humidity around them as well. And the air-sirculation is good, i use a roof-mounted fan every day.
Whenever i get a new chid, i keep it seperated from the rest for about a mounth, before placing is together with the rest.
I have two mounted mini-phals in my terrarium, as well as the one Vanda i have, and there is not mutch free space there either...
I guess thats comes with the adiction to chids... not mutch free space for any other plants!
But somehow, i can always find a little room for any new chid...