Awwwww...Pat, thought maybe you might be there, but would not known you without your fiddle..
Its was a nice show, small but nice. You know how those ole' snowbirds are down south, love to get there early and leave early, move you out of the way so they can get right in on the bargins.
Overall it was a nice show, if I am not mistaken next month they are having an auction. Also in my gallery you will see a

of paph's and if I am not mistaken the one on the left is a 2nd place winner, the right was 1st place "Tampa Orchid Society"...correct me if I am wrong if you know differently. But it was nice to see area participants as well as local vendor's from the Central Florida area and one local vendor I went to middle school with

Hope your feeling better and those ole' wisdom teeth, not sure why we grow them but painful when they show face...
Tindo, Paph. insigne(The Splendid Paphiopedilum) is perfect for its will be challenging as it's a cool nature one, but worth the challenge..