Something else I learned recently is that, paphs that have motled leaves usually take higher light levels than those that don't...isn't that interesting?
I have heard that the green starp leaves can take higher light as well. Either way though, all of the Paphs I have listed can take a lot more light than I thought they could. Thanks for the help all!!!
Nice paphs Nick! philippinense is absolutely gorgeous, it's on my paph wishlist. I don't have any paphs yet, but plan on getting some this spring.
Originally Posted by CoolPhrog
Something else I learned recently is that, paphs that have motled leaves usually take higher light levels than those that don't...isn't that interesting?
Are you sure? I always heard that it was the other way around! Green leaf paphs take higher light, especially the strap leaved ones.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
The motled leaved Paphs. tolerate higher light, that's what I've always heard too and what was recommended for the couple I have. The problems I've had though is growing them outdoors in higher light means, hotter temps so, the fans have to be constantly on them.
I grow all my Paphs and Phals together under rather bright light. When the sun is out, they get dappled sunlight. Otherwise they get rather dim light supplemented with CF florescents. I don't keep the strap-leaved Paphs seperate from the mottled leaf ones.