fungus prevention
Hey Guys,
I really appreciate all of the help and information available on this site. It really is amazing all the help one can receive about any questions that may arise. So lately I've been curious, are there any techniques about preventing fungus or mold from growing?
I replanted my phal about two weeks ago into a much smaller, clear plastic pot into coconut husk mix. It has really taken to the change, as the leaves are looking much better and so are the roots. However, I noticed that on a few pieces of the husk, white mold began to grow. This irked me for a few reasons. 1. as I said before, I only replanted two weeks ago and have not even watered since. 2. I keep my plant by an open window during the day so it gets a little breeze from the outside. and 3. I didn't pack the mix too tight when i planted, and i took the time to even create a few more holes in the side of my pot, so I figured that air circulation this time around should be improved. The pieces of mix that were growing mold were along the outside, and would seem to have great access to air.
Over the last two years, when I had the plant in it's original bark mix with virtually little air movement in the room (it sad in a corner by a very large window), mold was never a problem. I replanted the first time maybe a year in a half of owning this plant, and there was not a sign of mold anywhere. What gives?
Last edited by MT-Phal; 03-04-2009 at 03:48 AM..