I always have, wet moss is easier to work with and not as brittle. I let mine soak in lukewarm water for 40-60 mins then hand squeeze most of the water out and start potting up.
But when I water I drench the entire plant with the spray, just try not to get the flowers too wet. Mine always seem sensitive to wetness for whatever reason, either getting rotten or shocked and falling off. So while some water isn't bad, I just try to not overdo it.
Orchids do grow out in the wild and rain doesn't come up halfway in their root system, but from the top down. I just make sure to do it early in the day so it has plenty of time to dry from the leaves and crotch of the plant before night and cooler temps which can promote fungus and rot.
As for my starve and binge method of fertilizing, it works for me and my orchids bloom and thrive, I don't advocate it for anyone else. It just tends to be that most people, novices especially, have a heavy hand in fertilizing. Thinking that its not enough when they add it to the water so they add a bit more, I know I'm guilty of that a time or two myself. I just like to err on the side of caution I guess. Sorry to cause any controversy.