ok, phal was dying...
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Old 02-14-2009, 09:46 AM
Bospen Bospen is offline

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ok, phal was dying...
Default ok, phal was dying...

So, I tried to revive it...no such luck. So I cut it up and threw it away. Now, my other phal was doing just fine.....was. Its' leaves are now wilting, turning yellow and falling off. That's it, no more phals for me. They are like cars, the better care you take, the faster they fall apart.
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Old 02-14-2009, 09:48 AM
CoolPhrog CoolPhrog is offline
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awww, Bospen, I used to feel the same way. Don't give up on phals...they are very rewarding. You know it is normal for phals (or any orchids for that matter) to drop their old leaves....How were you growing them?
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Old 02-14-2009, 10:51 AM
lily99 lily99 is offline
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Sorry to hear about your dead phal, but don't give up yet. I think most of us have killed an orchid at some point. I killed my first phal. Now I have 5 of them and they seem OK. Coolphrog is right, they normally drop their old leaves, so if just the bottom one or two leaves are turning yellow and falling off, this is normal.
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Old 02-14-2009, 11:48 AM
paulemar paulemar is offline

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I'm guessing that you overwatered your plants at some point. Wilting, yellowing leaves gives the impression that they are lacking water. The same symptoms occur when the roots have been rotted and they can't take up necessary moisture. This usually leads to more watering which leads to more root rot and on and on. Learning how to water orchids is one of the lessons that you must learn before you are going to be successful. As a general guideline, let them approach dryness, then drench them. Phals have no water storage capability except for their leaves so you can't let them go bone dry like you can some other orchids. These forums have lots of good advise on proper watering, so adapt the info you find to your growing conditions. I personally use 3 signs to determine whether to water or not. My phals are all in clay with the same media, so they are consistant. Pot weight--a moist pot is heavier than a dry one. You will learn the difference quickly. Pot moisture--a clay pot that is moist on the outside is moist on the inside. A moist pot feels cooler to the touch. Stick your finger, pencil, wooden match stick, skewer, or whatever into the media. If it comes up moist, don't water, and don't give up. Adapt to the seasonal changes, don't try to "water on a schedule." Take the time to pay attention to your plants. They'll let you know what is needed and what is not.
Good Luck,
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Old 02-14-2009, 03:07 PM
Amanda L Amanda L is offline
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Sorry to hear about your Phal dying. Don't give up on them though. It took me killing one and then I tried to kill another one. For some reason I kept buying them. So far 2 are doing great, 1 is in intensive care, growing some new roots and the first one is growing me a keiki. I found some great information on the Orchid Board and I attribute that to my being able to finally grow them. Look around on here, ask lots and lots of questions and go buy another one! They are fantastic plants and shouldn't give up on them. Maybe there is hope for the one you still have. Posting pictures helps. Have you re-potted it?
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Old 02-14-2009, 05:04 PM
bellini girl bellini girl is offline
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Sorry you lost your phal Bospen, but try not to give up. Most everyone I've met have "killed" at least 2 or three. Culprit is usually overwatering.

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Old 02-14-2009, 07:27 PM
Bospen Bospen is offline

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ok, phal was dying...

Hello all, thanks for your advice. Ok, I have not overwatered it. In fact I'm beginning to think I underwatered it cause some of my others are looking a little wilted. Therefore I watered them today, maybe this will help.
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fall, falling, faster, phal, phals, dying

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