I'm just watching a repeat of a 'Midsomer Murders' episode (a very English crime drama we get over here).
Each person who got killed (there are usually several in each episode) was an orchid collector and in possesion of a particular rare plant which was then seen with the next person before they got killed. You tended to know who was going to go next by who had the 'chid now.
Last time I watched I knew nothing about Orchids, this time I could spot for myself what's wrong with the 'chid which is central to the plot, even before finding another forum discussing the episode and confirming what I thought.
They named it a 'Yellow Roth' and is supposidly a Paph. (The only reference on Google is the discussion on the other forum.)
The leaves are exactly like a Phal in shape
The leaves looke like a mottled Paph in colour
The flower is nothing like anything... the peole on the other forum thought it was 'Some artists abstract vew of an orchid', it's most certainly not a Paph or a Phal.
Oh well, there were some nice other 'chids on display, mostly Phals, but some Oncidiums, Dendros (nobilis was named), a nice dark red colour sliper right near the back of one shot with mottled leaves (looked like a Paph to me but very blured) as well as others my limited knowledge could not name.