I have had these spots on both my Cyms and i hear its a common problem but not cause for concern.
Oh man thats great news. I almost started treating for fungus and will keep an eye on it of course. I'm lucky enough to have a local orchid grower but they're only open to the public on Fri and Sat, so I think I'll take it in next weekend and have them check it out to be sure. Thanks to all for the input.
Last edited by cabbo; 02-08-2009 at 04:39 PM..
Reason: punct.
My cym has spots on it as well, and it seems that they've always been there. I'm no cym expert since I only have two, but I wonder if they are prone to spotting like Oncs are.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
Yeah now that you mention it I have an Onc that has some black spots on it too and that thing is a healthy sucker. Never seen the black spots turn into problems. I have had one Cym for about 2 1/2 years and its always had black spots and it just keeps growing and growing, it has like 4' leaves
I just had a thought. There is a member that goes by the user name orchids3 he grows cymbidiums around 2000 he said. He gave me some very detailed potting media and care info. You may want to see if you can ask him about the spots.