There are a lot of Dends that don't need high light.
I've been growing Dend. anceps in Phal light and, so far, so good. It recently started growing quite a few new leads so I'm assuming that the drop in temps is also welcomed for this Dend. No winter rest for this one.
Another good, low light Dend (I've had luck with) is from the Antelope tribe. I've been growing a Lorrie Mortimer in both high and low light, (summer-high, winter-low) and it blooms all year long. 2 spikes are blooming now and both have been growing in very little light. Summer, I get twice the amount but, it never stops putting out blooms.
And also one mini I'm growing named Kathy Beck, in intermediate light, about to bloom for me.
There are tons more but these are a few I can swear by.
Good luck!